
Saturday, June 29, 2013

So nice to have a garden!

Our garden boxes are doing so well this year.  We are getting so many vegetables I'm having to find ways to use all the produce.  Tomatoes, wow they are going crazy and even with all the birds pecking at them we still have more than enough.
I made pasta and meatballs last night and the sauce was completely made from produce from my garden.  It's a great way to use up all those tomatoes close to going bad.
I stewed about 15 tomatoes with garlic and salt and pepper then ran them through a sieve.  I then added a shredded carrot, one stock of fennel, one onion, more garlic and herbs, basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, parsley,  and cooked most of the day.  Then I put it all in a food processor and processed till smooth...oh how tasty was this.  The meatballs, well I used the 1170 meatloaf recipe (halved) and just made them into meatballs instead...oh so yummy too!  Here is the result:

After eating this delicious creation I sat out on the porch and enjoyed the rest of the day.  It was another scorcher today but it was cooler by this time.  With a big glass of homemade lemonade and the beautiful wild flowers right in front of my view, who could ask for more!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

June's Boutique Project

Here is what we organized for June's Peace Love and Sew Quilt show Boutique workshop.  This month we did the ruler bag that Connie from Quilt Works designed.  They made this bag last year too and it sold really well at the quilt show so we thought we'd give it a go again.  We had a large turn out to the workshop as usual.  I am so over the top that we are getting so much participation.  Otherwise me and Mary would be having to make all the merchandise for the quilt show boutique.  Thank God for all the help!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's a boy so had to scrap the girly quilt

I was nearing finishing the little tweet bird quilt for my Secret Sister who is pregnant....but then decided it was too girly.  I was hoping for a girl but IT"S A BOY!  She is excited and that is all that matters.  So I just finished this one up that I started a while back.  I think it's more appropriate don't you?  Anyway, I finished it a few days later than our mailings are suppose to go out but I got it out.  Can't wait for it to arrive to see if she loves it.  Of course I sent her some other items that are just for her but here are pictures of the quilt I sent.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

From useless to useful

I love a good find and I am always on the lookout for ways to store my ever growing fabric stash.  I call myself the organized hoarder.  As long as I am able to organize this growing beast then I'll not end up on the TV show Hoarders!  Pray for me I need it.  :)
I got a bug in my bonnet on Monday and decided to move my office into the room my craft room was in (wall to wall and not inspiring at all) and my craft room into where my office was (the game room)  We never used the game room, I would go up there to do some work on my PC but other than that, we did nothing else in that room and it is so much bigger than the room I dedicated to creativity.  I felt so claustrophobic in that room!  As I said before I am a organized hoarder and I was running out of room to organize all the "good" stuff.  I'm all moved in to the game room...I was hoping I'd have tons more room but the game room is now packed full.  I can however open my cutting table all the way up, I can have my huge ironing board up all the time and I have a table I can sit at and put things together so all is good in the world of my imagination!
So I find this dresser, it was a DIY project gone seriously bad.  I think the woman used it as a practice piece with the intention of someday restoring furniture to sell.  She has a long way to go...
Well I didn't take a before picture and I asked the woman if she'd send me the picture she had posted but so far she hasn't.  If she does I will post it.  The dresser I believe had two doors on the top at one time and someone took them off which didn't bother me cause I thought the dresser had great bones and could imagine some of my fabric hanging out of it.  It was painted a weird color of blue and it was sponged or something, really can't explain it other than it was in my opinion the ugliest paint job I had ever seen.  Because she did not sand the piece before she did her paint technique I was able to sand all the blue off for the most part.  I was so pleased and so covered with blue dust....
Here is the finished piece along with some photos of my new craft room (remember, I am a hoarder so please don't judge me).

I hand painted "Fabric Stash" on the top drawer....time consuming but oh so worth it!
I also had to do something with the insides of the drawers, they were so sticky and I couldn't get the sticky off.  So I decoupaged the insides.  I used wrapping paper, and yes I got wrinkles!  Oh well it's not too bad and still is better than sticky.

Here is a picture of my baby...I love this machine!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rushed June Wedding....

Oh, about a month ago or so my niece tells me her wonderful news, she's getting married.  She's a military gal; I am so proud of her!  Well she is being deployed in October :( ,so she wants to get married before her deployment!.  June 15th!  She's done a great job preparing for her wedding.  She will be getting married in Texas.  We own a home there, it's a golf course gated community on the lake.  They have a chapel and pavilion as well as some other nice amenities.  She lives in North Carolina, (she hates it there, very liberal  state.)  So here we are planning a wedding long distance.  It's going to be a small, mostly a family event but we are going big Texas style with the reception...a pig roast is in order!  She loves Texas and considers it home...a good ole Texas BBQ is definitely a Texas thing.
She's decided on a carrot cake for her wedding cake so I'll bake up the layers in the next couple days and freeze them.  We (including the groom) will be decorating it...she loves bows so we will be having fun with that.  I'll post a picture of our hard work once it's completed.   Even her wedding ring is a bow.  She has  managed to find so many bow accessories, it is amazing.
It's a bit of a mad rush now but we are managing very well.  I think we will pull this off beautifully, even though we've not had much time.
Here is my project.  Rose rice throwers...a bit time consuming to make and I'm not at all great at floral arranging but she loves I'm over the top.
Rose Rice Throwers Basket: