
Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Quilt show if finally here!

After more than a year of hard work the quilt show is finally here and our booth is so awesome! We had 2400.00 in sales on Friday and expect to be even more busy this Saturday. What fun it was and I am so glad that it is nearing completion! Here it is before we opened for business. After the sale on Friday we had to remove one table and consolidate so it looks as pretty as it did on the first day. I'm praying we sell every single item.

First of all I would like to thank everyone for their hard work at the quilt show…we were all very busy, I am HAPPY to say!!!! WE SOLD EVERY SINGLE ITEM, and I applaud you for that!

I thought I'd update this post so you would know how much cash we brought in!!!! It is exciting I must warn you! :) :) I am grinning ear to ear….and head to foot I must say.
It was all worth it. I've just added up the receipt books but of course during our 90% off sale we just quit writing receipts but as close as I can tell you with receipts that were written we made….are you ready?????

Our potential sales if we had gotten full price for every item would have been just a hair over 6000.00…..and since we had a 20%, 50%, 75% and a 90% off sale I believe our sales are very very very outstanding!!!!! I think every single member of our guild came by our booth to show support. It was amazing! And of course all of you were amazing! I thank you, We thank you, and we can’t say that enough.

We had a total of 9 giveaways, they were: Show & Tell Bag, Set of 8 Build a Banners, 3-45 strip batik jelly rolls, Ruler crate with 5 replica bobbins, a thread bag, a back pack, and of course our beautiful spool quilt. Here is Sandra Gilbert the winner of our quilt.

And then I found on Carla Kennedy's blog these pictures...this is so exciting to me.  This Is Bankie winning the bird house.  She looks so excited in this first picture.  I am so happy someone in the guild won and I think she was tickled to have won it!

Very blessed to have worked with you all!