
Friday, May 19, 2017

Personalized Boat Shuttles

So finally I've made time to get a listing for personalizing boat shuttles.  Since us ladies/gents love to go on weaving retreats or just gather together and weave here is a great way to keep track of your handywoman shuttle.  Get it engraved!  Get one for yourself and once for a friend.  I'm thinking this will be perfect for Christmas when you are looking for that perfect gift for the weaver in your life.
Here are my first orders.  and they turned out great.  Both are for Cynthia's how perfect is that?!?...:)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Handywoman Shuttles

So here are all my shuttles, some new some old designs.  Oh and now I will engrave your name on your shuttle if you'd like for a small fee.  :)

Friday, May 12, 2017

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Handmade Warping Cone Holder

Made this yesterday..well made two of them.  Special request and I enjoyed making them so much that I'll be selling them in my shop.  So here is a new Handywoman weaving tool!!!