
Friday, November 16, 2018

Handywoman Glass Bobbins

New Exclusive handmade glass bobbins for Handywoman slim shuttles!  Yes, I said glass bobbins!!!  I've teamed up with a glass straw maker to create these beautiful and functional glass bobbins!  Will they break, well, yes that can break, however they are made from the same glass Pyrex is made from so they are very strong.  Yes, I still have my paper quills but paper quills don't have flanges! :)  These lovely bobbins have flanges on each end which to me is a show stopper!
Keeping with having handmade weaving tools these special bobbins fit the bill, not only are they handmade by a small business they are so useful and adorable!
My first order came in and I now have bobbins for my Standard Inkle boat shuttle and the Mini Inkle boat shuttle.
Coming in the next month or so will be bobbins for my super slim rigid heddle loom shuttles, Super slim super long Rigid heddle loom shuttles, Pencil/End of Warp shuttle and of course the pattern boat shuttle.  You'll soon be able to get these fancy bobbins for all of these shuttles!!!!