Friday, May 20, 2016

Handmade Rigid Heddle Yarn shuttle

You might have noticed (or not) I've been working on projects for my weaving shop.  I'm trying to add more handmade weaving tools to my shop for sale.  I started with a few new looms, the rigid heddle loom, the Inkle Loom and the simple lap loom and simple rug yarn shuttles for these looms.  Well, I've been wanting for years to make a proper boat shuttle and decided that weaving with a rigid heddle loom would be so much more fun if I had a boat shuttle that would fit under the narrow shed.  Well so I finally worked it out.  Eventually they will use a magnet to keep the bar in place but the stainless steel rod I already had doesn't work with magnets so here is my new boat shuttle for now.  When I use up all this rod and get new rod I will re-engineer this shuttle so that it will be easier to make

My first one.

and now the design will look like these


  1. You make the coolest stuff. David wouldn't trust me with power tools. LOL

  2. Era mi sueño , que esto exista gracias super super
