Monday, July 26, 2021

Lifesmart 15" Blue Kamado Ceramic Grill DIY Table

 I purchased this grill at Walmart during a big sale on it.  So of course I needed a table. This grill is for me and I'm excited to get it.  I looked everywhere for plans for a table and could find nothing.  I found pictures of tables for small ceramic grill and just decided to wing it.  I made this on a Saturday.  I try to take Saturday's off if I can.  Of course as soon as I started the build orders started coming in for the pencil shuttle.  I'm guessing the New addition of Handwoven must have come out because the orders are pouring in for that shuttle.  But I finished my little table as quickly as I could.  I took many picture so you could see how it's built.  The  hold is 16.5" and I built the shelf at 15" from the ground.  I put the grill on the shelf then added the top of the table once the grill was in place so I didn't have try and lift it in after the top was on.
Here she is.

And my first steak on the grill.  :)

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