Tuesday, April 24, 2018

New Handywoman Shuttle, End of Warp Shuttle

So if you are like me, and I think most of us crafty people are.  You hate to was an inch of yarn..  Yeah it is undeniably impossible not to waste some but why not find ways to waste less?  So to introduce you to my newest addition the my standard floor loom shuttles (although this could be used with a rigid heddle loom too. )  My Pencil shuttle or end of warp shuttle.  These are from exotics and the Snakewood one sold right away even though it was a pricey little shuttle.  Snakewood is extremely expensive to purchase but I just had to do it at least once.  I was I must admit scared to death to mess up this extravagant wood purchase but all went well and she was a beaut!

So what you see here...from left to right.  Olivewood, Bocote,  Bolivian Rose, Snakewood and Purpleheart.

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