Handywoman shop is closed due to covid.
I hear they are finally going to open treatment centers here in Texas like they have in Florida. This only after Abbott contracted covid and got the immune therapy that helped him to be better within a day or two. I was not able to get the immune therapy without driving to Florida! I was only able to get the hcq and zink. Thankfully that worked for me. I have now tested covid free but am still very very tired. I hope to reopen my shop next week when I think I will be 100% (hoping).
Stay safe and be prepared if you can, I suggest trying to locate doctors or centers that treat covid now before you get it, it will save you lots of time and shorted the time you are ill. I highly recommend you do the leg work now so you are not waiting to find treatment when you need it the most, it took me a couple days of precious time to find treatment.