Friday, March 17, 2017

New stuff! Rare finds in wood turned into boat shuttles and a squirrel cage yarn swift finally in production!

I'm always on the look out for beautiful wood.  I LOVE burls but my sources rarely if ever have this wood available in anything other than tiny little pen blanks.  Some of them like Camphor burl is rare to find.  Oh and when you cut into this stuff, the aroma that fills the air is amazing.  My garage never smelled better!  So you get bang for your buck, or bucks :)  Yes it is very expensive and since my goal is to offer tools for weavers and spinners that don't break the bank you might wonder why I'd try to find it and make weaving tools with it.  Well, I'll still offer the lowest possible price and I do believe that even those of us of meager means also deserve super nice stuff!  Oh anyway here is my beautiful new super slim rigid boat shuttle. (I'm working on an inkle boat shuttle too and will update with pictures once she's all shiny).

Oh I did mention my new Squirrel Cage Yarn Swift is now available didn't I?  Well yes it is and I'm super excited about it.  I posted pictures of my prototype and I was not happy that the cages were not the same wood as the frame and well it was a bit wobbly, not bad and I will find a home for her but this one is the final product and will be available in my shop.  So without droning on here she is.

Monday, March 13, 2017

New Carry bag for my Box Tape Looms

Finally, yes finally I've taken the time to design a carry bag for my cute little looms.  They so deserve their very own bag don't you think!  Anyway, it took me one entire day well 6 hours to design my new bag so that my little loom fits perfectly inside with plenty of room for other goodies to take to weaving bee.  :)  I'm super excited.  Mind you, I'm thinking of finding a staple fabric that will always be available so that all my bags are the same color  but for now I used this designer quilting fabric that I just love.  I hope someone else loves it too.
So here she is, a new bag just for my box tape looms.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Elephant adorned box tap rigid heddle loom

It's so exciting to have new designs for my little box tape looms.  I am proud to present and Elephant inspired loom.  Elephants are for some reason my favorite wild animal (besides Foxes)
So here she is all finished and shiny :) ...I think who ever gets this little loom will treasure it for years to come.

And when she was born from solid cherry 1/4" wood. 

and of course you can get different epi heddles for all my little box looms.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Custom dragon engraved 16" rigid heddle loom.

If you've been following me (the few that do :)  )  you've seen my little box looms...and OH how I love these.  They very time consuming to make but when they are done I feel like a girl looking at diamonds on her finger.  I just am amazed at how beautiful they turn out.  :)
I take pictures of them as if they were my children!  See

I often get request for something new, mostly because what is available is so expensive for the regular hard working people out there (it is the reason I make weaving tools in the first place)  and sometime I decide to take on that request such as with this squirrel cage yarn swift...(this is my prototype and I've not had time to make one to sell yet).  I am happy with this design and it will be available soon I promise and it will not cost 300.00 dollars will be under 100.00 :)  for sure!

Okay I've gotten off trace a little haven't I...  ADHD any?
So a friend ask me if I could make one of my rigid heddle looms with dragons etched on the sides...ohhhhhhh of course I had to say yes...what a treasure that would be.  She wanted to present it to a very good friend as a gift....  and of course I LOVED the idea, so without further ado....


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Been at it again, a New loom

Oh I've been super busy, and don't always get the time to post what I've been up to but I thought I'd do a little update.  I have one new sold right away so I think I'll make more of these.  Definitely want to do some improvements on it; so that is in the works but here is the first tablet loom made.

And then there are always new shuttles in new is one in Asian Satan Burl, unfortunately this is a one off as this wood is very hard to come by.

Then I made one of my 3/4" thick rigid shuttles in Purpleheart (I love this wood)

Well I have to get off of here and get back to work.  Catch up with you on a new adventure :)  !!

A few minutes for quilting :)

So, it's been a while since I've actually had anytime for quilting and much like many of you quilters out there I have so many UFO's it's impossible to even remember what I have on my plate that I need to complete.  I thought I'd have more than this to show for this year but sadly no.  The good thing is, it's only the end of February!!!
So I found the cutest pattern Fancy Forest and have started it.  I've decided to make paper pieced patterns from the original patterns hoping this would be easier (tons of tiny pieces YUK).

So here is my progress.
and haven't had any time since...